Advanced Typechecking for Stack-Based Languages

February 1, 2024

It's been a while since I posted anything, because I've been hard at work on SaberVM's implementation and a little lambda calculus compiler that targets SaberVM. I thought I should take the time to write a short post discussing one of the interesting aspects of my implementation, a performant typechecker for SaberVM's type system. As SaberVM uses a stack-based bytecode language, there isn't much out there on how to typecheck it. The best example I could find of a similar language was Web Assembly's typed stack-based bytecode, but that type system is extremely simple compared to SaberVM's.

Simple Stack-Based Typechecking

The basics of typechecking stack-based code is extremely simple and elegant. You could think of it as a form of abstract interpretation, if you're familiar with that idea. All you do is you have a stack at compile-time, specifically a stack of types. It's called the "type stack." You run through each instruction in each function, and if you see, say, an add_f64 instruction with a type of (float64,float64)->float64, then you pop two types off the type stack, confirm that they're float64, and then push a float64 onto the type stack.

What's beautiful about this process is how it mirrors program execution. But, instead of pushing and popping values, you push and pop the types of those values. If the type stack doesn't have enough types to pop off, then you know the run-time stack won't have enough values to pop off, which is now something that is caught at compile-time. If you pop the wrong type, then the run-time stack would have a value of the wrong type, so you have a type error, discovered at compile-time.

But instead of being undecidable, like actually running the program would be, this typechecker runs in linear time, because of how it treats control flow. When you get to a jump point in either Web Assembly or SaberVM, you're jumping to a place which is expecting the type stack to look a certain way, and that fact is known at compile-time, and can be used to typecheck the jump itself. In Web Assembly, this is done with their structured control flow system: if/else, while, etc. (instead of arbitrary gotos). In SaberVM, this is instead done using the Continuation-Passing Style structure of the language, so all control flow is represented as function calls.

That's all very pretty and everything, but it only allows for very simple type systems, where types themselves don't need to be constructed. In the scheme I just described, its unclear how one would, say, instantiate a polymorphic function with (int64, int64->void) or some other complex type. I mean, SaberVM has type polymorphism (universal and existential), region polymorphism, and (bounded) capability polymorphism. How do we get from here to there?

Advanced Stack-Based Typechecking

Where SaberVM diverges from Web Assembly is by introducing a second compile-time stack (called the "compile-time stack" :). This stack is exposed to the user through a bunch (about 20) of instructions that manipulate it. If you want to instantiate a polymorphic function call with the type (int64, int64), then before the call you write the instructions int64, int64, tuple 2. tuple n is an instruction that pops n values off the compile-time stack (not the type stack) and pushes a tuple of those types onto the compile-time stack. (For memory safety, tuple types are a little more complex than this, but the point stands.) This way SaberVM can let you specify very complex types in the same way you write runtime code.

Now when the typechecker sees an add_f64 instruction, it does the same as before, pushing and popping from the type stack. But when it sees a compile-time instruction like tuple n, it pushes and pops from the compile-time stack instead, and then the compile-time instruction disappears. Where the type stack is like an abstract interpretation of the run-time stack, the compile-time stack is like its own run-time stack, but where all execution is at compile-time.

The compile-time stack itself is "dynamically typed" in some sense, but the "run-time" for this stack is all at compile-time, so any errors here are still caught at compile-time. For example, there's no check that tuple n is always called when there are at least n types on the compile-time stack. Since tuple n is evaluated at compile-time, we can just wait for it to fail, and if it does then its a compile-time error. This is particularly significant since SaberVM has a reasonably powerful kind system too. Not like a kind-level lambda calculus (aka kind-polymorphism) or anything, but there are types, regions, capabilities, and representations, so there are a lot of ways to have a "kind error," like by req-ing a representation instead of a type. Since the compile-time stack is just compile-time execution with these values, anything that could possibly go wrong here is caught at compile-time. And since there's no control flow for this compile-time language, everything takes linear time.

To actually use this new compile-time stack, a few instructions manipulate both the compile-time stack and type stack. req pops a type off the compile-time stack and puts it at the end of the type stack (which really makes it a "type VecDeque," to use the Rust term). This allows functions to specify "arguments," that is, what they expect the top of the type stack to look like: each req in a function is recorded to know the full type of the function by the end, and ultimately typecheck function calls in other functions (or recursive ones). Other uses of the compile-time stack include what I mentioned earlier: polymorphic function calls pop their compile-time arguments from the compile-time stack (and perform the necessary substitutions in their type signature). One last notable example is malloc, which pops a type from the compile-time stack to know what its allocating and returning. There are many more uses of the compile-time stack in SaberVM's bytecode language; it's proven extremely useful, flexible, and ergonomic.


This compile-time stack approach removes the upper bound on the power of the type specification language. With its own stack, there's no reason it couldn't be as powerful as the run-time language itself, a la dependent types. SaberVM doesn't use that power, in favor of faster typechecking and no need for user-provided proofs, but as a designer its nice to know how forward-compatible the typechecking system is with unpredictable extensions to the type system in the future. Hopefully no such extensions are needed, but SaberVM is still a young project, currently in the prototyping stage. This is very much a part of the design stage, so things can definitely change a lot.

Another benefit is performance. SaberVM uses the fact that functions are in Continuation-Passing Style (that is, function calls are only the last instruction of functions, never earlier) for an extremely parallel algorithm: function types have no return type component to them, and all the compile-time instructions are before any call instructions. Therefore, SaberVM can get the type of each function without any knowledge of the types of other functions, by simply stopping when it gets to a call that calls a global function. Therefore, functions can be typechecked in parallel in any order. Once all the types are known, SaberVM goes through any calls to global (ie. not from a function parameter) functions and makes sure that those types are correct. This second pass is quick for each function call (functions aren't re-processed) and only happens for global function calls. Calling a parameter is very normal in Continuation-Passing Style code, so global function calls aren't as common as you'd think anyway. The second pass is linear (big-O of N) in the number of global function calls, like how the first pass is linear in the size of the program, but both passes are trivial to parallelize; each iteration creates no information needed by future iterations.

Typechecking in a parallel way like this also makes the type errors trivially recoverable, see this fantastic blog post for more about that.

Lastly, the language is easy to compile to, for the same reasons stack-based bytecode always is. Type annotations are lowered in a recursive algorithm to make them in a sort of reverse-polish-notation form, and that Just Works™.


This was one of those ideas that I felt really proud of for some reason, even if it's basically just like Zig's comptime-based polymorphism but for stack-based bytecode. I don't know of any language that's doing anything like this. Having worked with the system for a while now, I'm really really pleased with it.

The main reference I have for prior work is this great article on Web Assembly's typechecker.

If you're interested in this project and want to know more, I have another post about it here. If you're excited about SaberVM's future, consider starring it on github (which has a more in-depth description of the project), or even sponsoring me or supporting me on ko-fi!